Covers more than 35,000 companies : Capitaline contains comprehensive financial / non-financial information about more than 35,000 companies information consisting of listed and unlisted companies kept updated every day. |
Data Navigation is easy with click and view format. Also all the data easily export to MS Excel/ MS Word. |
Data Formats and Detail Levels : Almost 98% of the details in a company's Annual Report (740 Financial fields) is input into the database, presenting the financial data in 9 formats :- Manufacturing, Banking, Finance, Software, Shipping, Hotel, Power, Media & Reality. A Balance sheet or P&L can be read at different depths. |
Detailed break ups of Balance sheet or P&L are available. |
NIC Activity & NIC Code : Classification of companies based on their NIC Activity with NIC Code. NIC classification as per latest NIC 2008 is also available. |
Segment Finance : Companies report their revenues, profits, and other information under their major business segments. Screener in Capitaline Database allows to query segment-wise break-up of information reported by the company under the following categories. |
Finished Product : It displays all products details reported by company, which can be compared with similar products of other companies |
Related-Party Transactions : It provides details of each and every transaction between related parties. It also provides name of related party & its nature of relationship. |
Screener in Capitaline Database : Screener is a powerful query module that helps user to filter the companies based on certain criteria. It facilitates search on the basis of financials, non-financial and other general information. |
Industry : The Industry module in Capitaline Database contains more than 300 industries aggregate data of all companies in one industry on one screen for easy comparison. It also enables comparison financials between the companies. |
Peer-set : User can create the their own peerset which contains their own set of companies. Also get the aggregate and comparative financials for the respective peer companies. |
Updated on International Taxation : Capitaline also provides decisions and updates on Transfer Pricing and International Taxation. |